420 North Bridge Road
North Bridge Centre 
Singapore 188727

Work Hours
Monday to Friday
9AM - 6PM


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Our firm believes in total commitment once we embark on a project, always giving our best.

We are responsive to our client’s needs, budget, time schedule and constraints. Our goal is to achieve high quality in service, design and workmanship in our buildings.

Time is a major factor in project management; hence we are consistent in our follow up and strive to remain prudent in handling issues with all the relevant regulatory departments.

During construction, we believe in unifying and understanding all project team member’s contractual tasks and concerns; coordinating their progressive works so that no one is left behind till completion. Many ‘crossovers’ from different sectors are inevitable and proper management must be ensued.

In many occasions, we must extend beyond our call of duty, outside our scope of works and responsibilities in attending to their concerns so that the project runs smoothly.

We believe that it’s important to have a good technical grasp of the site’s infrastructure and accurate understanding of the integration of the building structural framework and architectural design from foundation up.

Having a good sense of physical proportion and form is also vital and we emphasize heavily on articulating both our creative designers aesthetic vision and client’s brief into a functional building.

We strive to create timeless edifices and to reinforce the functional and creative appeal to our buildings; the application of practical building materials that are not only sensitive to the harsh environment but also able to withstand the test of time is equally essential to avoid unnecessary stress and minimal maintenance to our clients later on.


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